
Classes or camps take place in Fall (September-January), Spring (February-June), and Summer (June-July), and include instruction in improv, speech, movement, and musical theatre. SPRING REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN. Classes begin February 3.

You may also mail your application with your payment or drop it through the church mail slot. Download application HERE. If your preferred class is filled, email to be added to a wait list.

Spring Class Schedule

AGES 4-5

14-week course meets 50 minutes a week with an open class for parents to attend at the end of term.

Tuition:  $215

Class Times (subject to change):
Mondays 3:00-3:50pm CANCELED

AGES 6-8

14-week course meets one hour a week and features a short production at the end of term.

Tuition: $285

Class Times (subject to change):
Mondays 4:00-5:00pm FULL
Tuesdays 4:00-5:00pm FULL
Fridays 4:00-5:00pm FULL
Saturdays 9:00-10:00am

SHOWS: May 16, 17, 18

AGES 9-13

14-week course meets 1.5 hours a week and features a short production at the end of term.

Tuition: $365

Class Times (subject to change):
Mondays 5:00-6:30pm FULL
Tuesdays 5:00-6:30pm FULL
Wednesdays 4:00-5:30pm FULL
Thursdays 4:00-5:30pm FULL

SHOWS: May 13, 14, 19, 20

AGES 12-18*

18-week course, 2-hours a week, with performance of a musical or play, with live music, over multiple weekends.  Extra rehearsals in the weeks before opening.  Two-hour classes start February 20 for spring term.

Tuition: $495

Class Times (subject to change):
Thursdays 5:30-7:30pm
Saturdays 10:00am-noon

SHOWS: late June, 2025

*Students age 12 must have instructor approval.

BRING A FRIEND: Invite someone new to Edge of the Wood! For every new student you sign up (or someone who hasn’t been at Edge since Fall 2022), receive a 10% discount on your tuition. Email for more information.

Summer Theatre Camp and Summer Workshops


4-week summer intensive theatre camp in July meets Monday through Thursday, 10am to 3pm. No class on July 4. Class meets Monday through Friday in the last week. Performances of a full-length production over the fourth weekend.

Tuition: $675

AGES 7-11

Session I:  2-week youth workshop in June meets Monday through Friday from 10am to 12:30pm. First 75 minutes outdoors on the lawn for theatre games and exercises.  Second half of class in the theatre for singing, improvisation, and script reading.  

Tuition: $295

Session II:  2-week outdoor only workshop in July meets Monday through Friday from 10am-11:30am. 

Tuition: $195

No performances.  In inclement weather, class moves indoors.

AGES 4-6

2-week morning camp in June meets 10-11am.


For online purchases, a 3.6% PayPal surcharge is added.  To pay by mail, download your registration form.


Edge of the Wood will continue to follow all health guidelines from the City of Chicago and the State of Illinois.  As of March 23, 2022, Edge of the Wood is mask recommended.  Depending on ongoing guidance, classes may need to be temporarily suspended during the term, and our final productions may need to be “virtual”.  For live performances, masks are recommended, but not required, for audience members.

Edge of the wood allowed me to discover my vocation as an actress, director, and writer

Abby Pierce, Artistic Director, Inside Out Theater Company

Voice Lessons

Instructor John Chambers teaches fundamentals of singing – posture, breath support, and vocal technique – coaching students using age-appropriate musical theatre repertoire. Students who supplement acting classes with private voice instruction on a regular basis, or in preparation for a specific role, build confidence through specificity of training. Recommended for ages 12 and up. 30-minute private lesson $32. Call Mr. Chambers at 773-405-0325 to schedule.